Demon Slayer & Learning Japanese with Kingdom Hearts


日本語の練習 第73週 Japanese Practice Week 73

Hello everyone! Kyuusei here to teach you Japanese and show what I find interesting about Japan. With that being said, let’s continue.





N4 文法


seem, look like

This grammar point is used to describe what something seems like. It is basically a very versatile みたい or らしい. Man, there sure are a lot of these, huh.

Verb (polite form drop ます) + そうな + Noun

Verb (polite form drop ます) + そうに + Verb

なーAdj + そうな + Noun

なーAdj + そうに + Verb

いーAdj (remove い[final い if there are two]) + そうな + Noun

Ex: 麦わらの一味の中で、喧嘩を始めそうな人は誰ですか。

  (Among the Straw Hat Pirates, who is likely to start a fight?)

Ex: テストが終わるとき、みんなで楽しそうに海外旅行します

  (After the test, it looks like everyone will enjoy travelling abroad.) 

Ex: 姉の真面目そうな顔が怖いです。

  (My big sister’s serious looking face is scary.)

Ex: やりたくないことが起こった時、丁寧そうな断りました方がいいですよ。

  (When something comes up that you don’t want to do, it’s best to politely refuse.)

Ex: ごめん。面倒くさそうなことが起こったから、パーティーに間に合わない。

  (Sorry. Something troublesome came up so I won’t make it to the party.)

[そうだ ①]

 heard that, it is said that

This grammar is used when you want to tell someone what you heard from someone else. It is also used to drop a hint about unwritten rules in society.

Verb (Casual form) + そうだ

Noun + だそうだ

なーAdj + だそうだ

いーAdj + そうだ

Ex: 噂で、マヨナカテレビを見ると、スクリーンで運命の相手を見えるそうだ

  (Rumor has that if you watch the Midnight Channel, it’s said that you’ll see your soul mate on the screen.)

Ex: コナーはプロゲーマーだそうです

  (I heard that Connor is a pro gamer.)

Ex: FSI scaleによると、日本語を勉強するのことが複雑だそうだ。

  (According to the FSI scale, it is said that it is complicated to study Japanese.)


Ex: 友達によると、そのコースの先生が厳しいそうです

  (I heard from a friend that the course’s teacher is strict.)


Hamabe Minami, Surrounded by the Detective Conan Voice Cast was Deeply Moved “It was Like a Dream” 

A woman by the name Hamabe Minami took the stage in metro Tokyo for announcement of the famous anime Detective Conan’s 24th movie “Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet”’s completion (in theatres on the 16th).

Hamabe “a huge fan of Conan” played a special role as a crew member on the train named Ellie Ishioka. “I’m in tears to be able to meet all of you, I feel like I’m the only one’s feet have left the ground. This is like a dream and I am floating” she said deeply moved by the Detective Conan voice actors joined her on stage.

She then revealed that she had a remote conversation with the original creator Aoyama Goushou. “We discussed various things such as future developments within the series. I wonder if I gave him a hard time. He was very friendly and sent me his autograph. From a fan’s perspective, he is like a God”  she said showing an expression filled with emotion.

Hamabe was then asked again what about the series appeals to her. She went on to say “I started crying without knowing why and the impactful and charming characters are what make the series so wonderful” and “I won’t stop loving Conan until the very end.”

On this day, Takayama Minami, Yamazaki Wakana, Koyama Rikiya, Ikeda Shuuichi, Hidaka Noriko and Toshiyoki Morikawa took the stage.

In this recent film, to solve the unprecedented case involving the world, the “FBI Investigator and expert marksman” which will be his first appearance since the 20th movie “The Darkest Nightmare” Akai Shuichi, the little brother and 7th Dan Professional Shogi Player, Haneda Shukichi, the little sister and “High School Detective” Sera Masumi, and the three sibling’s mysterious mother who calls herself “the sister from outside the domain” will all gather.


  1. You are trying to see if Homura is taller than you. So ask your friend which one of you is taller.


  1. When out with your coworkers you notice that Takagi is drunk after a few beers. The new guy asks what’s up with him. Explain to him that Takagi is not as good at holding his drink as the rest of us.


  1. Everyone is trying to plan out a trip for the summer. They want to go to the beach in Osaka but don’t know what kind of transportation they should take since we’re in Kyoto. Tell them taking a plane would be the fastest from Kyoto to Osaka among other transportation, but it is the most expensive.


  1. Your friend, Hikari, has travelled to many countries. Express how surprised you are that she has been to various countries. Ask her which kind of food she likes more, American food, French food, or Japanese food.


  1. Your cousin is always watching anime. Ask him what kind of genre he likes the most amongst all genres.




A: 痛い。

B: どうしたんですか、伯父。怪我したか?

A: 腰が痛くて、動けない。

B: アイスパックをあげてに行く。薬もいる?

A: 頼む。薬はキャビネットの中に。。。

B: 伯父、年を取るよ。もう一緒にバスケットボールせないよ。一緒にチェスとか将棋をしないか?どう思う?

A: ええ、それはいいと思うが、まだ年を取らないよー あ、腰が!

B: ほら。とにかく、将棋を教えてあげる。あ、伯父の腰は治った後でさ。

A: はいはい、分かった 分かった。

[Getting Old]

A: Ouch.

B: What’s wrong, Uncle? Are you hurt?

A: My lower back hurts and I can’t move.

B: I’m going to get you an ice pack. Do you have medicine?

A: Please do that for me. The medicine is in the cabinet….

B: Uncle, you’re getting old. We can’t play basketball together anymore. Why don’t we play chess or shogi? What do you think?

A: Yes, I think that’s a good idea, but I’m not old yet- Oh, my back!

B: Look. Anyway, I’ll teach you shogi. Oh, after my uncle’s waist has healed.

A: Yes, I get it.


Looks like Sora is waking up… 

  1. おどかすなよ カイリ。

  (Don’t startle me Kairi. [Don’t scare me like that Kairi.])

  1.  そっちが勝手におどるいたんじゃない。

  (Didn’t you get startled all on your own?)

  1.  そろそろさぼる頃だと思ったんだよね ソラは。

  (I thought you were going to slack off sooner or later, Sora.)

  1.  ちがうって!あの真黒い(まくろい)奴(やつ)が俺(おれ)を吞み込んで(のみこんで)息(いき)ができなくなってーー 痛(いたい)ェ。<ー He says it more like いてー。

(You’re wrong, I tell you! [It’s not like that!]  I was swallowed up by this dark thing and I couldn’t breath and– ouch.)

  1.  まだ目(め)がさめない?

  (Are you still not awake?)

  1.  夢(ゆめ)じゃなくてーー

  (It wasn’t a dream–)

  1.  夢だったのかなあ。

     (Was it a dream?)

  1. 知(し)らない世界(せかい)でさ。変(へん)な場所(ばしょ)でさ。

        (It was a world I didn’t know about. A strange place.)

  1.  はいはい。

  (Yeah, yeah.)

  1.  な、カイリ。カイリが子供(こども)の頃(ころ)にいた街(まち)って、どんなところだった?

  (Hey, Kairi. What kind of place was the town you lived in like?)

  1.  おぼえてないよ 前(まえ)にも言(い)ったでしょ?

  (I don’t remember. Haven’t I told you before?)

  1.   思(おも)い出(だ)したかと思(おも)って。

  (I thought you would have remembered or something.)

  1.  ぜんぜん。

     (Not at all.)

  1.  帰りたくならないか。

     (Do you want to go back?)

  1.  私はここで幸せだからーー。



  (Since I am happy here–.)

  (I see…)


  1. 見(み)てみたいって気(き)はするな。


  (I wouldn’t mind trying to see it.)

         (I want to see it, too.)

  1. この世界以上(いじょう)にも世界があるんなら 死(し)ぬまでには絶対(ぜったい)見たい。

  (If there are other worlds other than this one, then I definitely want to see them before I die.)

  1.  じゃあ、一緒(いっしょ)に行こうねーー

  (Then, let’s go together, okay.)

  1.  おいおい、俺は仲間はずれかよ。しかもーー真面目(まじめ)にイカダ(筏)作ってるのは俺だけだ。

  (Hey aren’t we a group/partners. Moreover, the only one that’s honestly making the raft is me.)

  1.  カイリも一緒にさぼってたろ。

  (Kairi’s slacking off too, huh?)

  1. バレたか。

  (I’ve been caught/I’ve been found out, huh? [In the English version she says: “So you noticed.”. Kind of the same feel.])

  1.  じゃあ、みんなで仕上(しあ)げちゃおう。

  (Then, let’s finish this up with everyone.)

  1.  ね 向(む)こうまで競走。

  (Hey, race you to the other side.)

  1.  えー。



     (What- [Do I have to.])

        (What’s up with that–?)

        (Ready, go!)

On a side note, Kairi’s laugh during this scene is SO MUCH better than the English version.

We’ll be back with Destiny Islands (デスティニーアイランド) next time… 




The first kanji “終” can mean end or finish. The second kanji “末” can also mean end but it can also mean close. Perhaps to close on something. Like a conclusion. Put together it means “end” “close” or “conclusion”. In this context, it means 世界の終末 or the “end of the world”. 

If you have seen the anime or picked up the light novel you might already be familiar with this word from this title:



What will you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?


This is a foreign word to Japanese. I don’t think that I’ve mentioned this but foreign words to Japan are given the term 外来語(がいらいご) or “loan word”. This word means “touring”. 

Put together it means “End of the World Touring” or according to MAL, “World’s End Touring”. I found this manga last week. Started reading the first chapter and it seems interesting. I have to hurry and read what is out since chapter 5 will not be available after April 24th. Here is a link to the first chapter.

週末ツーリングの第1話 First Chapter 







Saw a house on route 5 but didn’t go. There’s an underground pathway. Some kid asked me for a Cubone. Didn’t know what kinda Pokemon that was so I refused. This path is so long. According to this girl on the other side of the path, people lose things there. Maybe I’ll go back in later. Might find some good items. Wonder if I can find a dowsing rod or something.

Fought some trainers on Route 6. Everything was fine until Inazuma was poisoned. Don’t have any antidotes and the next city is straight ahead. They should have a Pokemon Center. Inazuma is looking real bad. I hope Inazuma can hold on. I gotta hurry. 

There were two trainers that got in my way. They challenged me to a Pokemon battle. We beat them as fast as possible. Thank goodness we made it to the Pokemon Center in time. Should go to the Mart next. (A man in the Pokemon Center told me his Pokemon died from poison. I’m sorry to hear that. I gotta be more careful). 

They didn’t have antidotes, but I bought potions, then explored the city. Why is there a tree in front of the Gym? I can’t get past it. How am I supposed to cut it down? Kiba’s Hyper Fang should be able to do it. No good, didn’t work. The tree is small but it’s durable. Who the heck grows these things anyway? Is there a certain move I need? Hmm…

In conclusion, I hope that this series is helpful with your journey to learning Japanese and/or taking an interest in the country’s culture. Until then… また来週!

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