Immersing with Video Games on Steam


日本語の練習 第74週 Japanese Practice Week 74

Hello everyone! Kyuusei here to teach you Japanese and show what I find interesting about Japan. With that being said, let’s continue.



N4 文法

[そうだ ②]

Looks Like; Appear; Seem; Feels Like

This grammar is used to express what something looks like. Think of it as another way to say みたい or らしい。。。Etc. 

Verb (drop ます) + そうだ/です

いーAdj (drop い) + そうだ/です(⁂いいー>よい・良いー>よさそう・良さそう)

なーAdj + そうだ/です

Ex:  彼女は弟に無視しそうだ

  (It looks like she is ignoring her brother.)

Ex: その運動が痛そうだから、しませんよ。

  (That exercise looks painful, so I won’t do it.) 

Ex: 道はあんまり賑やかないそうだが、運転しましょうか。

  (The roads don’t seem to be that busy, let’s go driving.) 


Too, Too much

This grammar point is used to say that you overdid when doing something and it ends in a bad result. It can also mean something is too much when you use an adjective.

Verb (drop ます) + 過ぎます/すぎます

いーAdj (drop い) + 過ぎます/すぎます

なーAdj + 過ぎます/すぎます

Ex: 会社員はコンピュータを使いすぎて、目が悪くなってしまいました。

  (The employee uses the computer so much that his eyes have gotten bad.)

Ex: レモンクッキーがすっぱすぎないから、ちょうどいいと思います。食べてみる?

  (The lemon cookie isn’t too sour so I think it’s good. Wanna try it?) 

Ex: 早口言葉が大変すぎて、僕には難しいと思う。

  (The tongue-twister is so hard I think it is difficult for me.)


  1. You’re not doing so well in your Biology class. Ask one of your classmates who has good grades in the class.


  1. You go shopping with your friend when she asks you about which shirt looks better on her, the black one or the green one. Tell her that she would look good in both but, you think the green one is better.


  1. Class is finishing up and you find a Kanji Drill book on the desk. Ask your teacher whose book is this.


  1. There is a lot of work to get done so you have to do some overtime at work. Your coworker asks you if you’ll be fine since the trains aren’t running anymore. Tell them that you intend to stay at your friends house after work since it is close.


  1. Your coworker tells you that she is going to the convenience store and come back. You decide to go with her. She is offering to buy a few snacks so tell your other coworker what she said to you and then ask if they want anything.




A: な、愛理、一緒に公園に行かない?

B: ええ、公園、なんだ。今ゲーム中し。

A: 公園の桜の木が咲いて満開になるよ。

B: 本当?!行く行く!

A: じゃ、弁当もう作ったから、行こうぜ。

B: ちょっと待ってって。まず、セーブさせて。

A: いいよ。どんなゲームするのか?懐かしそうだ。

B: クロノトリガー。

A: そうだ。神げー。

B: そうでしょう。とにかく、速く行こうよ。 あとで、クロノトリガーしないの?

A: うん、それでいい。さって、行こう。

[Let’s try eating it]

A: Hey, Airi, you wanna go to the park?

B: Eh, the park. I’m in the middle of playing a game right now.

A: The cherry trees in the park are in full bloom.

B: Really?! I’ll go, I’ll  go!

A: Well, I’ve already made bentos, so let’s go.

B: Wait a minute. Let me save first.

A: Sure. What kind of game are you playing? It seems nostalgic.

B: Chrono Trigger.

A: That’s right. It’s a God  game.

B: Right. Anyway, let’s hurry up and go. Wanna play Chrono Trigger later?

A: Yes, that’ll be great. Well, let’s go.


Destiny Islands (デスティニーアイランド)

  1. え!?イカダの材料(ざいりょう)、もう全部(ぜんぶ)みてけちゃっ。

  (What!? You already found all the materials for the raft.)

  1.  ソラ、おつかれさま!私(わたし)も、いいものみつけたの。ソラにあげるよ。

  (Good work Sora! I found something good. I’ll give it to you.)

  1.  つかれた?今日(きょう)はもう帰(かえ)ろうっか?

 うん 帰る。


  (Are you tired? Wanna head home for today?)

         (Yeah let’s go home.)

         (Not yet!)

  1.  そうだね。もうすぐ日(ひ)も暮(く)れるし、あとは明日(あした)にしよ。

         (All right. Since the sun will be setting soon let’s do the rest tomorrow.)

  1.  海(うみ)の果(は)てまで行(い)ったら


  (If we went to the ends of the ocean)

  (I wonder if we’ll find Kairi’s world?)

  1.  それはわからない。

  でも行ってみないと わからないままだ。

  (I don’t know about that.)

     (But if we don’t try to go we won’t ever know.)

  1.  イカダでどこまで行けると思(おも)う?


     (How far do you think we can get with the raft?)

     (Who knows.)

  1. ダメだったら別(べつ)の方法(ほうほう)を考えるさ。

        (If that’s no good then we’ll think of another way.)

  1.  ねえ リクは 別の世界に 行ったら何(なに)するの?

  (Hey, Riku what would you do if you went to a different world?)

  1.  ソラみたいに 見れば満足?

    (Are you satisfied if you see it like Sora would be? [Like Sora, are you satisfied if  you see it?])

  1.  実はそんなに考えてない。

  (Actually, I haven’t thought about it that much.)

  1.   ただーー 俺(おれ)は 俺たちがどうしてここにいるのか知(し)りたい。

  (I just– want to know why we are here.)

  1.   他(ほか)に世界があるのなら どうしておれたちはここでなくちゃ


     (If there are other worlds then why did we have to be here.)

     (It’s pointless, right?)

  1.    他に世界があるのならここはーー

   そう 大(おお)きな世界の小(ちい)さなカケラみたいなものだからーー

     (If there are other worlds then this place is–)

  (Right, it’s like a small piece of a big world.)

  1.  どうせ カケラだったら。

 ここではない 別のカケラでもかまわないわけだよな?


  (In any case, if it is a small piece、then–.)

  (not here. It doesn’t matter if it’s just another small piece, right?)

  (I dunno…)

  1.  そういうことだ。

 じっと座(すわ)っていても 何もわからない。

  (That’s right.)

         (Even if we’re sitting still we won’t know anything.)

  1. 自分(じぶん)で動(うご)かないと 何も変(かわ)わらない。

  (If we don’t move on our own nothing will change.)

  1.  同(おな)じ景色(けしき)しか見えないんだ。


  (Only seeing the same scenery.)

  (That’s why we have to move.)

  1.  リクって いろんなこと考えてるんだね。

  (Say Riku, you sure have been thinking about a lot, huh.)

  1.  カイリのおかげさ。

 カイリがこの島(しま)に来なかったら、俺 何も考えなかったと思う。

 ありがとう カイリ。

  (It’s thanks to you, Kairi.)

  (If you didn’t come to this island, I don’t think I  would’ve thought about anything.)

  (Thanks, Kairi.)

  1. なんだか照(て)れるなあ。

  (I’m a little embarrassed. [Kinda putting me on the spot here Riku geez =///= .])

  1.  ソラ おまえ これが欲(ほ)しかったんだろ。

  (Sora, you wanted this right?)

  1.  パオプの実ーー。

  (A Paopu Fruit.)

  1.  「その実を食べさせあったふたりは必(かなら)ず結(むすばれるーー。



    な なにーー

      (“If two people eat it they will be tied together–”)

         (Even if they are separated someday.”)

         (You wanted to give it a try, right?)

     (Wha- what–)

  1. おはようございます。

王様 朝のごあいさつにーー

  (Good morning)

  (Your majesty I have come to greet you this morni–)

  1.  グーフィー騎士隊長(きしたいちょう)。大変(たいへん)だ!

  (Captain [technically Captain of the Knights] Goofy! We have trouble!)

  1.  やあドナルド おはよう。

 「た た たいへんだ!誰にもいちゃだめだぞ!



    (Hey Donald Mornin’. [Funny thing here is Goofy is actually saying “Yo” or “Wow” when he says やあ])

            (T-tr-Trouble! You can’t tell anyone!)

         (Queen Minnie? [At this point Donald is thinking Goofy is asking “I can’t tell Queen Minnie?”])

     (Not even the Queen!)

  1. デイジーも



  (Daisy, too… [Donald is still assuming that Goofy is asking “Daisy too?”])

     (It’s top secret! [I do like how the English version did an ad lib of a “no” here instead of whatever that was.])

  (Good Morning.)


With that we are finally done with the first video. Next week it’ll be time for “the letter”. On another note, Donald sure is hard to understand regardless of what language he is dubbed in. Thank goodness for subtitles!


This article was pretty interesting. It makes sense to implement something like this, especially how convenient it seems. Besides, doesn’t it look cute?  

However, a lot of questions do arise from reading this article. I do wonder how it operates the elevator if no one is inside the elevator with it. Is there some kind of GPS tracking and navigation to get the robot to deliver the products? Can it do more than one trip? How fast can it go?  On top of that, I wonder if anyone would just see one of these on the street and try to take what’s inside. Interesting piece of tech, just wonder how far it can go. Looking forward to seeing more about this.




This is just the name of the city 米花町(べいかちょう). However, I still want to shed some light on the kanji involved in making up the city’s name. 

The kanji 米 can mean “rice” and it also comes from another name for America 米国. I find it funny that America is literally called rice country in this context. 

The kanji 花 can mean flower, like はな. It also has another kanji reading か which can come from 花瓶 かびん (flower vase). 

The manga artist who makes Detective Conan, Gosha Aoyama, likes word-play and since this revolves around mystery, the name comes from Baker Street. ベイカー 丁(ちょう)=>Baker Street. If you are familiar with Sherlock Holmes then you will know that is the same street the famous detective resides.  

Long story short this means “Beika City”.


The first kanji can mean selling, merchant. The second kanji means a store or a shop. The last kanji means something like a town or street. Together they make up the vocabulary word “shopping district”.


This one was a read head scratcher but when I searched the word on bing this is what popped up.

Still had my doubts so I searched on (has a japanese dictionary). It can obviously mean dust but in this context it wouldn’t sound right. So the next word that makes sense would be trash or garbage. So from the picture and this vocabulary word together we have “garbage bin”

From the katakana this word might come from 出すと. The word 出す can mean to throw out something. I just don’t know where the と comes from. 


And to top it all off we have a relatively easy katakana word derived from English. This word just means “mystery”.

So together we have “Beika City Shopping District Garbage Bin Mystery”.

Looks like I was close enough, according to Crunchyroll.

This episode was interesting. Detective Conan has some interesting titles, huh? This episode title comes from the 1002nd episode.

Finally get to see this. It was originally scheduled for last year, but was postponed. Nice lead up to the movie which is supposed to tie with the olympics. It is going gangbusters in Japan right now. Wish I could watch it. It has the same OP (by Mai Kuraki倉木 麻衣) who has done a ton of songs for Detective Conan) but with a new sequence. They even threw in a blast to the past reference to the first ending.

Find it somewhat funny that they can’t mention the Olympics. WSG World Sports Games. And the symbol they use for it. But hey, I get it, if you want to mention something big like the Olympics in stuff like this it will cost money. 

The episode had many things going on. For instance at Ran’s high school they had to come up with an idea for the tourists coming to Tokyo. The best ideas would be selected and put into action by the school. Ran came up with a bag that tourists can put their trash in. It was a nice idea on Ran’s part. Since there are going to be more people going to Tokyo for the Olympics this year (maybe), I wonder what they will do to keep order in Tokyo while this is going on. 

On another note, the next few episodes seemed to be adapting some chapters so that is wonderful news. Haven’t had an adapted episode since January. Kinda rough but oh well.







Met a fisherman and he asked me if I like fish. Sure, they are cool I guess. He gave me an Old Rod. I met a guy writing a letter to his friend that lives in Saffron City. Seems Team Rocket is in that city. An old man told me about these items called HMs. They’re like TMs but you can’t make the Pokemon forget the move. Sounds annoying. 

I entered a club house and Inazuma suddenly walked up to a Clefairy. There are pictures of a Rapidash and Fearow on the wall. Talked to a man who has 100 Pokemon. That many?! He then started talking about his Rapdash. Yikes this geezer sure can talk. Cool! He gave me a bike voucher. As expected this guy is rich. I’m gonna go get that bike.

Stopped at Cerulean City’s mart. They had antidotes. Can’t get the bike because I don’t have enough room. I used items and taught Ikkokesei Bubblebeam. Alright let’s head back to Vermillion City. Looks like I can’t ride the bike inside buildings. Oh well.

In conclusion, I hope that this series is helpful with your journey to learning Japanese and/or taking an interest in the country’s culture. Until then… また来週!

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