Reached 100! Raving about Detective Conan 2 「 まさか第100週?!」

日本語の練習 第100週



Hello everyone! Kyuusei here to teach you Japanese and show what I find interesting about Japan.

Wow, reached 100 posts(まさか100回 笑)! And to celebrate I’ll be dedicating majority of this post to my favorite franchise: Detective Conan. Congrats on reaching 100 volumes, Aoyama-Sensei!

With that being said, let’s continue.


小学生の頃に、アニメを見始めました。子供だったのに、大人向けテレビ番組編成という「adult swim」でアニメを見ました。「Outlaw Star」「Cowboy Bebop」「YuYu Hakusho」など見ました。

これらのアニメの中で、名探偵コナンが早いに大好きになりました。あいにく、アメリカで人気じゃなかったから、123だけエピソードが英語でダビィングしました。名探偵コナンのおかげで、「Sherlock Holmes」と推理ジャンル気になって、大人になった時、日本語を勉強し始めた理由になりました。大学生頃、日本語で名探偵コナンを見始めました。



N3 文法


no matter how…

The どんな・どんなに part can be thought of as How much. The ても part is stating regardless of what ever that “how much…” is. This grammar expresses a conditional situation that depends on a certain amount (of action, a thing, or characteristic, etc.).

Verb-casual, non-past + どころか
いadjective + どころか
なadjective + (な)どころか
Noun + どころか

Ex: もう時間がないんですよ。どんなに勉強しても、100点は無理だって。

(There isn’t anytime left. No matter how much you study, you won’t get a 100.)

Ex: 彼はどんなバカでも、悪賢いやつだ。

  (No matter how stupid he is, the guy’s pretty crafty.) 

Ex: 彼女はどんなに頭がよくても、騙されないでよ。

  (Don’t let her fool you, no matter how smart she is.)

Ex: 君はどんなに不敵でも、このスタントが無茶だぞ。

  (Don’t care how much of a dare devil you are, this stunt is ridiculous.)


to pretend, to act as if

Used to describe something or someone that acting or pretending to do/be something else.

Verb-casual + ふりをする
Noun + のふりをする
いadj + ふりをする
なadj + なふりをする

Ex: もう午後1時半ですよ。寝るふりをしないで

  (It’s already 1:30 pm. Don’t act like your asleep.)

Ex: 小さい頃、僕はヒーローとか名探偵のふりをした

  (I used to pretend to be a super hero or a detective when I was little.)

Ex: 騙されないでよ。彼は優しいふりをするだけだ。あいつはただの女たらし。

  (Don’t let him fool you. He’s only pretending to be nice. He’s just a womanizer.)

Ex: それで、あの男は純真なふりをしてる女が付き合ってる。実は、あの彼女は妖婦だ。

  (And he’s dating a girl that acts as if she’s innocent. In truth, she’s a femme fatale.)

N3 動詞



going out; outing; leaving (one’s home, office, etc.)

The first kanji means “outside”. You usually see this kanji in words like 外国(foreign country). The second one means “to exit”. Not that much detective work with this one. It’s pretty straight forward.

However, I did find some interesting words from this verb.

外出中 is used when you are out of the office or away form home.

Another one (that I can totally relate to) is 外出嫌い which literally means “hate going out” or better known as a “homebody”.


Eiko and Ryuji are meeting for the first time at a marriage interview.

However, they are both in for a surprise.


A: 私はエイコでございます。

B: リュウジでございます。


A: 終末がありますか?

B: (よーし、これはチャンスだ!)アニメが大好きです。

A: (え?!本当?!あたしも!)あ、どんなアニメかしら?

B: (ちぇー、ビビッてねー。丁寧なくはどうだ。)アニメをたくさん見たが、一番は名探偵コナンだと思う。

A: (そうですか。興味深い。いつか見せてほしいかしら。)あたしも!

B: え?!エイコも?(もしかして、母親の罠。なんとか、確かめる。でも、顔が赤くて、演技じゃないらしい。まあいか。付き合っておく。)

A: (しまった!あたしが失敗しちゃった。思いを話し出しちゃった!何をするんだよ、エイコ?!)えーと。。。実は、あたしは名探偵コナンの大ファンだが、見合いで母親はこんな話が禁止した。

B: あ、僕も。お母さんは「オタクの話が禁止。怖がらせるだけよ。」って。めんどくせーな。だが、名探偵コナンも大好きだよ。

A: ですが、アニメが好き女が嫌いなら、この時はチャンス。。。え?リュウジも名探偵コナンが好きなの?うそ!もしかして、母親のー

B: 罠じゃない。

A: え?!能力者か?!エスパー?!

B: 違う。。。ただの同じ思いだった。(わ~、少し天然。なんかかわいい。)

A: あ、フ~ 助かった。じゃあ、名探偵コナンが大好きなの?本当?

B: ええ。小さい頃、マンガを読んで、アニメを見てる。エイコは?

A: あたしも!今日、100巻を買って予定があるけれど、ここに来たんだ。

B: サボっていい?

A: 。。。

B: 欲しくないか?

A: 行くわよ。

B: さ、行こう。本屋の近道知ってる。

[Fateful encounter?! There’s only one truth!]

A: My name is Eiko.

B: I am Ryuji.

A: It is a pleasure to meet you.

B: Do you have any hobbies?

A: (Alright here’s my chance!) I love anime.

B: (Huh?! Really?! I do too!) Oh, what kind of anime?

A: (Tch- that didn’t scare her. How about if I drop the keigo.) I’ve watched a ton of anime, but Detective Conan is the best.

B: (Oh is that so? That sounds interesting. Perhaps you can show me sometime.) Me too!

A: Huh?! You too? (No way, this has gotta be trap set up by my parents. Gotta check somehow. But, her face is all red right now, it doesn’t look like she’s acting. Ah, what the hell. I’ll play along with her “act”.)

B: (Damn it! I messed up. I’ve said what I was thinking! What are you doing, Eiko?!) Umm… Actually, I’m a big fan of Detective Conan but my mother forbade me to talk about it during the marriage interview.

A: Oh, same here. Mum told me, “No talking about your nerd stuff. It’ll just scare her off.”. What a pain. But, yeah, I love Detective Conan, too.

A: But if you dislike women who love anime, this is your chan- Wha-? No way? Did your parents set-

B: Not a set up.

A: What? Are you psychic? An Esper?!

B: No… we were just thinking the same thing. (She’s a bit of a space case. Heh kinda cute.)

A: Oh, phew~ well that helps. So you love Detective Conan? Really?

B: Yeah. Ever since I was little, I read the manga and watched the anime. What about you?

A: Me too! I was going to buy the 100th volume today, but I had come here.

B: Wanna ditch?

A: …

B: You want it don’t you?

A: Alright I’ll go.

B: Okay, let’s go then.


名探偵コナン:コミックス第100巻発売 連載27年で大台


The 100th volume of Gosha Aoyama’s popular manga “Detective Conan” (published by Shogakukan’s Weekly Shonen Sunday) was released on October 18th. The manga started its serialization in 1994 and reached the major milestone of the 100th volume in 27 years.

The spin-off manga series were also released on that day: 5th volume of “Daily Life of Zero (Tea Time)” and the 6th volume of “Criminal Hanazawa”.

Detective Conan is a manga about a boy named Edogawa Conan solves many difficult cases. It started back in 1994 and it’s anime adaptation started broadcasting in 1996. The manga has sold over 230 million copies.

Here’s a comment from Aoyama-Sensei

Aoyama here!

It’s been 28 years since it started in 1994…

When I first started out, I thought it would be a blessing if I could publish one volume after 3 months of serialization but… (lol)

I never thought it’d reach 100 volumes…

I owe it all to the fans that have continued to support me for over a quarter of a century!

Thank you so much!

If you’ve bought all the books up till now, your bookshelves are probably brown, but hey if you think of it as a brick-patterned wallpaper, it won’t bother you too much… ((it will! (lol))

Aoyama’s such a joker. But what a milestone to reach. Congrats! They’ve been doing a lot to celebrate this.

They set up a poll to vote for the best criminal in the whole franchise. Here are the top 4.

  1. 麻生 成実 (Asō Seiji) (aka 浅井 成実 Asai Seiji/Narumi)
    • From Volume 7 and probably the most memorable culprit for me. So memorable in fact, that this case where Seiji appears was remade for the 1000 and 1001st episodes.
  2. 津川 秀治 (Shuji Tsugawa)
    • From Volume 10, this librarian was creepy as all get out but he’s mostly known for getting busted by the Detective Boys for smuggling drugs through library books.
  3. 広田 雅美 Masami Hirota (aka 宮野 明美 Miyano Akemi)
    • From Volume 2 comes another heartbreaking yet memorable culprit is Masami Hirota. I won’t spoil much as she is important to the plot. However, I find it strange that she shows up twice in the anime (episode 13 and episode 128).
  4. 島袋 君恵 Kimie Shimabukuro
    • Unfortunately don’t remember this case that much. Been a long time since I watched these episodes (222-224). Guess I’ll get to it when I reach Volume 28.

They even sent the bronze statue of Conan to London where the statue of Sherlock Holmes reside. Perfect spot to visit for “Holmes’ Apprentice”.


The site is in Japanese but they made a site celebrating the 100th volume.


Out of the desert and now the boys are… a whale’s dessert?!

 ①新(あたら)しいトリニティが手に入った(てにはいった)から、今(いま)まで     行(い)った場所(ばしょ)を調(しら)べなおそうか。


  • Since we got a new Trinity, we can probably get to different places now.
    • EN: We can revisit some places and unseal more Trinities.

  • Now that you mention it, I think there was a mark in the Accessory Shop. 
    • EN: Wasn’t there a Trinity Mark in the accessory shop?

🎮And we’re just going to ignore that hint XD. Big whale @ 3:00

② なんなんだ、あれ!




  • What the heck is that?! 
    • EN: What is that?
  • It’s freaking huge…
    • EN: Wow, it’s huge!
  • It’s a whale! A monster whale!
    • EN: It’s a giant whale!
  • That’s Monstro!!
    • EN: It’s Monstro!

※ You may be familiar with the word 化け物. It has the same meaning as 怪物 which is monster. The only difference is that 化け物 can mean things similar to monsters (like ghosts and goblins, etc.)




  • Monstro is the king of all whales. To make matters worse, he’s very vicious.
    • EN: He’s a whale of a whale, and vicious besides!
  • Woah! Sora, get us out of here!!
    • EN: Whoa! Sora, get us out of here!
  • I can’t! We’re going to get swallowed up!!
    • EN: Too late! He’s going to swallow us!

※ 飲み込まれる(のみこまれる)takes the verb 飲む “to drink” or “to swallow”. When a verb is combined with 込む like this it means “to do [the verb] thoroughly”. So Sora is telling them that Monstro is about to swallow the whole ship.

🎮Find it strange that Donald has Sora piloting the ship. He was so adamant earlier.

④ホントなんだって まちがいないよ!おれ見(み)たんだから!


  • I’m telling truth! I saw it! 
    • EN: It’s true! I saw it with my own eyes!
  • Sure it wasn’t a voice you heard?
    • EN: You sure you didn’t just hear it this time?

🎮 I like how they use less kanji for when Sora and Riku were little. Really puts in some interesting detail with that.


 とにかく あそこにいるんだよ すっごい怪物が!

  • Who cares, it’s the same isn’t it?
    • EN: What difference does it make?
  • Anyways, I heard the monster over there.
    • EN: There’s a huge monster in there, I tell you!



  • If it’s really monster then– 
    • EN: All right. Suppose there really is a monster…
  • Will we be able to catch it on our own, Sora?
    • EN: Think we can beat it by ourselves, Sora?

※ もし and たら are usually used together to express a hypothetical. I guess Riku is wondering if it is a monster then what will him and Sora do. The EN version says beat it, but 捕まえられる is the potential form of the verb 捕まる which means “to catch”. I think it’s better to say “beat it” in this sense considering it is a “monster” there dealing with.


  • We can do it Riku!
    • EN: No problem. Let’s do it!

※なら is used when you are expressing hypotheticals. So Sora is saying, “if it’s you and I Riku, we can handle it” or something like that.

⑧ほら そこだよ うなり声がきこえるだろ?

  • See, I told you. There! Can’t you hear that growling sound?
    • EN: Listen! There! Can you hear it growling?

※うなり=唸り, which means to growl. Probably in hiragana because (which was touched on a bit before) they’re kids and they probably don’t know those kanji yet. So, the writers for the game probably made it where this dialogue came off a bit more childish to reflect their age.

⑨シッ しずかにーー

  • Shhh quiet–


  • We should be careful in times like this.
    • EN: We’ve gotta be careful.


  • It was just the wind. Must’ve mistook it for a monster.
    • EN: See that? It was just the wind making that noise.

⑫なーんだ そうだったのかーー つまんねえの。

  • Oh, so that’s what it was– boring.
    • EN: Aw, man. I wish it was a monster!

※つまんねえ=つまらない = boring. It’s just set as a more colloquial and rough way of saying it.

⑬あれ?あそこにあるの なんだ?

  • Huh? Hey, what’s that?
    • EN: Hold! What’s that over there?

※あれ can mean something like “what”, as if you are surprised or wondering “oh, what’s this”. I mainly wanted to point this out because Conan says it a bunch to lure Kogoro and others to a clue.

⑭窓(まど)いや とびらかなーー? でも どうやっても開(ひら)かなぜ。

  • A window, no maybe a door–? But it won’t budge an inch.
    • EN: A window, or maybe a door? It won’t open.

※どうやっても means something like “no matter what”. When conjugated with a negative-form verb, it can express that something can’t happen no matter what. So Riku is trying to open this door but it won’t open.

🎮 I don’t know about anyone else but, I was wondering for the longest what was behind that door. Finally got to find out when I played 2.8 in 2018.

⑮チェッ もっとすごいものが あると思ったんだけどな。

  • Tch Thought it’d be something cooler down here.
    • EN: Geez, is that all that’s really in here?




  • Not in a place like this.
    • EN: What do you expect in a boring place like this?
  • Hey, Sora.
  • Hmm?

⑰おれ もっと強(つよ)くなる。そしたらいっしょにこの島(しま)から外(そと)へ出(で)よう。

  • I’ll get even stronger. Then let’s leave the island and explore the world.
    • EN: When we grow up, let’s get off this island.


  • Not these boring kiddie adventures but an actual one.
    • EN: We’ll go on real adventures, not this kid stuff!

※ちっぽけ is a なーAdjective that means “little”. I’m glad that we both thought to turn it into something like these adventures being childish.

⑲うん それもいいけどさあ。今すぐ面白いことないのかなあ。

  • Yeah, sure. But I wonder if there’s something fun we can do.
    • EN: Sure. But isn’t there anything fun to do now?

⑳そういえばさ。このあいだから村長(そんちょう)さんちに女の子(おんな の こ)がいるだろ?


  • That reminds me a girl started living in the mayor’s house the other day, right?
    • EN: Hey you know the new girl at the mayor’s house?
  • That kid–
    • EN: Did you hear?

Nice nostalgic trip down memory lane Sora. We’ll be exploring more of Monstro next time. I just hope they don’t get digested in the meantime. Sora and Donald better start casting Fira to escape.



劇場版『名探偵コナン から紅の恋歌』


The word 劇場 consist of the kanji for drama or play and the kanji for place. So a place where a play is being done? Sounds like a theatre and that would be right. The 版 kanji means edition or version. So we have something like “theatre edition”.

Considering this is a Detective Conan movie it is best to change theatre to movie, or just shorten it to movie.

You’ll see this word quite a bit when you go see a movie adapted from a TV series or in this case an anime.


I’ve explained 探偵 in a post before so I’ll drop that explanation below.

This is probably one of my most favorite words (mostly because of 名探偵コナン). It is the combination of the Kanji 探, which you may notice from the verb 探す, which means “to search for” or “to look for”, and 貞 means “spy”. So, put together you can make a good guess at what this word means. A spy that is looking for something. Hmmm… A detective.

But this isn’t just some ordinary detective. They added the kanji 名 before 探偵. You may be familiar with 名. It is usually recognized as “name”. However, there other ways to interpret it: “title”, “fame”, etc. Gotta love kanji.

So a Famous Detective? Or Great Detective?


Katakana is usually used for foreign words or names. This word is read as Conan. Like Arthur Conan Doyle. This is the name of the protagonist of the franchise.

I’ll just go with the familiar tile Detective Conan here.

So we have “Detective Conan the Movie:” so far.

から紅(韓 or 唐・くれない = 韓紅 or 唐紅)

Wasn’t to sure on the kanji for から. Just found it strange not to dig into the kanji that the word could come from (when I first saw this I thought does mean “from crimson” XD)

From a previous post’s タイトルを見る, I mentioned that the kanji 紅 can mean “red”, “scarlet”, or “crimson”. However by adding から to 紅, it just means “crimson”.

We are dealing with the color crimson and the の particle. It wouldn’t make since to make it possessive in this situation.

For instance if you wanted a bow tie and someone asked you “what color?”, you could respond by saying “赤いの” or the red one. So in this case, we can leave out の altogether in the translation and keep “crimson” to go with our next word.


We have the kanji for “love”. Romantic love of course. The next kanji can be read as “song” or “poem”. So love song? Love poem? Considering a certain detective is tone death, I would go with the latter.

Altogether we have:

“Detective Conan Movie: Crimson Love Poem”

However, if you look closely, they have provided us with a way to read this word above the kanji. It says ラブレター or “Love Letter”. So final translation would be:

“Detective Conan Movie: Crimson Love Letter”

Pretty good. Couldn’t find a photo where they didn’t use Case Closed in the title. Wonder if they’ll ever revert that. Probably not.

I plan on watching this movie today, so I’ll be back to talk about it.

And I’m back.

Autumn, Karuta, and explosions. It all starts off with a rehearsal of a Karuta match and Nichiuri TV Station. But when a bomb threat is made, a string of murders begin to occur that are connected to Karuta cards with the word maple leaf “紅葉” in the poem. It’s up to Conan and Heiji to find out who the culprit is. Meanwhile, Kazuha faces off with a girl named Momiji in a game of Karuta. Momiji claims that that Heiji made a promise to her when they were younger. Something about getting married?!

If you are interested here’s a trailer and commercial for the movie.

This movie was in theaters (unfortunately never in the US) a month before I graduated from university. Finally got to watch it since Microsoft Store decided to get some of the recent movies. However, I don’t know if I’ll rent another one from them. Unless it’s dubbed.

Unfortunately, the subtitles were strange. The translation wasn’t off, it was the positioning of the subtitles. Constantly being put to the right of the screen. Wonder if I can watch the rest elsewhere. I’ll probably watch it again without subs before the rental expires.

I also found out it has a manga (2 volumes) and until 11/1 you can read the first volume for free on Book Walker. They also have the first 30 volumes for free during this time as well. I plan on owning all the volumes one day (have to get that brick-patterned wallpaper XD) but I think I’ll read as much as I can.

Really like this movie and it had another one of my favorite “couples(?)” in it (Kinda wish they’d get together already though). Everyone’s color design seemed a bit different (maybe darker) compared to the show. But hey that’s the movie magic (aka bigger budget).

The movie is set in Autumn so that adds a plus in my book. And to see Karuta in something other than Chihayafuru is wonderful sight to see. Didn’t know that they have furigana. Besides that, the culprit wasn’t that surprising considering they eliminated (almost literally) the other suspects. Sad reasoning behind the motive but it is to be expected of Detective Conan. Great action. Agasa joke was as cold as ever. So 8/10 for me.

Oh and of course they made Mai Kuraki do the ED for this movie (quite fitting):

Togetsugyou ~Kimi Omou~ (渡月橋 〜君 想ふ〜)


あ、秘密基地だね。俺は見つけて始めたから、プライズゲット。アキがここに行かないらしいなあ。くそ、カバンがいっぱいので、足りなかった。まいいか、これそれを使う。キョショクはアイスビーム教えて、ずつきはロケットずつきにパーワーアップした。麦わら帽子の男は俺にひでんマシン 03 なみのり をもらった。これもキョショクに教えてやる。





Oh, so this is a secret house. Since I’m the first one to find it, I got a prize. Guess Aki hasn’t been here. Darn, I don’t have enough room for it. I’ll just use this and that. Taught Kyoshoku Ice Beam and upgraded Headbutt to Skull Bash. The guy with the straw hat gave me HM 03 Surf. Taught that to Kyoshoku as well.

After leaving the Safari Zone, I found a man in a building. Couldn’t understand a word he was saying. Wait, he doesn’t have any teeth. Don’t tell me… I gave him the Gold Teeth. 

There his?! He didn’t even rinse them off. Kinda gross but okay. He gave me the HM 04 Strength.

Guess I’ll go train Hayattaka and Soreiyu on Route 15. There’s a lot of trainers I didn’t fight there.

In conclusion, I hope that this series is helpful with your journey to learning Japanese and/or taking an interest in the country’s culture. Until then… また来週!

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